Empowering children to change their own lives.
For over 3 years we have been supporting children through child care.
Together we will secure equal rights for women and girls across the globe. Read more
What is Autism
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I wish to express my sincere overwhelmeness to the vast support extended to SCAU since its inception from both the local and international community.
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With your support, we commit to helping more children with Autism every year. We promise to spend your donations effectively and we pride ourselves on not using aggressive fundraising techniques.
Stories that grow us: Read. Watch. Get inspired….
Our message of hope is not only for those who are autistic, but also for parents raising autistic children.
Our message of hope is not only for those who are autistic, but also for parents raising autistic children. As parents of autistic children, it may be hard to envision what life will be like for your child as he or she grows up. This might be the result of life being so busy that getting through the now is enough to handle. However, I think the bigger issue is that parents raising young children and teens do not get a chance to interact with a variety of autistic adults. For these parents, taking the time to listen to autistic voices is key because it gives us a message of hope; that each of us is on our own paths to find love, acceptance and belonging.