Four year old Matovu Solomon together with his younger sibling were found abandoned by both their parents after being diagnosed with autism in 2015. Their physical, emotional and social behaviors were considered abnormal and inferior so their parents abandoned them. Adding salt to Solomon’s wounds, his sibling tragically passed on after a terrible unidentified illness leaving him all alone until a Good Samaritan can to his rescue.
The autism diagnosis proved him to exhibit symptoms of Sensory Integration Dysfunction (SID) manifesting in hyperactivity and he frequently had seizures that claimed his sanity most of the time. A specialist referred him to a rehabilitation center in Luweero district where he was placed in a home that turned out to be ineffective for his condition.
After three years at the rehabilitation center, seven year old Solomon got resettled back with his relatives who had been briefly sensitized of his problem. However, they are not eligible to take care of him due to his physical, emotional and social behavioral difficulties.
Physical State
Physical difficulty
Medical State
Physical, emotional and social behavioral difficulties
Playing with toys
No education history
Guardian’s request
Support with his behavioral difficulties with a professional to enable him attain a brighter future.